Your Virtual Reality Resource


The Origins of the Company

Donna Facer started New World VR Corporation in 2019, after a career in online educational product development. She convinced her family she could start her own VR business, and they agreed. Then a lucky break with Simon Malls landed her two great locations. The two arcades are more than a dream come true! The employees function as a team where each individual can run the arcades but also support other VR services that we provide.

VR in Education

We think life is a long journey of learning and VR is a great way to make it fun. We offer a wide range educational VR content for your family, or school. We setup VR labs for schools and offer educational VR opportunities. See our education page for more information.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Sessions

Our science and technology sessions combine virtual reality experiences with hands on learning. Programs run during the summer and holidays. We are happy to offer custom sessions. If you would like to schedule your group or start up a Lego Robotics League, or Maker Space event, please email us! We have all the equipment and materials for many activities. See our STEM page for more information.

Saying Thanks

After all we’ve been through over these past few years, we never forget to say thank you. We thank Simon Malls and local small business resources like Williamsburg, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach tourism councils. We also thank our military, teachers, and first responders for their service to our local community with a 20% discount. We thank our families because they are there for us. At the end of the day, we are thankful for what we do have, rather than what we do not.

Giving Back

If you run a nonprofit that is focused on supporting our local communities, we want to thank you. We can arrange deep discounts or free passes to our arcades. We can add you to our partners page, and we can share events.